Search Results for "muscle packed MILF"


Amazon Anthology (Vol. 1) - TEXT

Amazon Anthology (Vol. 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Like anthology tales featuring super strong girls and super sexy Amazons, then this story is definitely for YOU! Here we have several short (but Sexy) stories featuring everything from a dominating prom date taking her man her way, to a fitness trainer showing a new female client how she uses her muscles, to a muscle packed MILF who just loves using her body to embarrass her son, to a towering biker babe showing a bar full of guys who's in charge, to several other storylines featuring the Awesomeness of Female Physical Superiority! If you like your stories that jump right into the action, then Look No Further!

anthology tales super strong girls super sexy Amazons short stories dominating prom date fitness trainer muscles muscle packed MILF embarrassing towering biker babe physical superiority action

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